CCDRD AG – Cooperative Clinical Drug Research and Development is an independent contract research organization (CRO) located near Berlin, Germany. As a well established international CRO CCDRD performs all types of clinical trials to the benefit of the human health and well-being while applying the highest ethical and scientific standards. CCDRD is dedicated to provide to our customers and partners in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological and medical device industry both creative and innovative full service covering a range of activities from planning of the trial to market authorization. CCDRD focus on maximizing the scientific input through a vigorous communication flow early on in every project to identify and follow the most appropriate and the least risky path to securing a timely approval for your innovative medicinal product.
PrenaTest™ is a non-invasive molecular genetic prenatal diagnostic test for the detection of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21), Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13) and Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18)